With the financial support of the European Union, the United Nations Population Fund and the organizational support of Forest School Azerbaijan, the event dedicated to the “Father’s Day”, which was held on June 18 on the territory of the Seaside Boulevard in Baku, successfully completed.
The main goal of the event was to help strengthen the bonds between fathers and their children, as well as popularize the practice of responsible parenting in society.
During the event, various family games were organized for the participants, as well as classes on STEAM, tent building, plaster crafts, painting canvas bags, face art and other fun and colorful activities. The families attending the Father’s Day event had an unforgettable weekend.
It should be noted that the International Father’s Day has been celebrated in Azerbaijan for the second year. This year the event was organized by Forest School Azerbaijan within the framework of the program “Eradication of gender selection and other harmful practices in the South Caucasus”, funded by the European Union, with the organizational support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population, the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the State Committee for Family Problems.